Of Pilgrimage, Freedom and Belonging

Rev. Anne Burghardt

General Secretary

of The Lutheran World Federation


To celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Achtliederbuch, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) offers this publication: Global Lutheran Songbook. A singing communion: Pilgrimage, Freedom, Belonging. It contains a collection of music, prayers, and blessings expressing the hopes and visions, from a global perspective, of being Christian in the Lutheran communion. The collection stems from the seven world regions of the LWF. New arrangements and settings of chorales are included as a communal global heritage constituting the “eighth” element.


In 1524, Martin Luther released his first “hymnal”, the Achtliederbuch (Book of Eight Songs). The new hymns, drawing from the surrounding popular musical culture as well as from newly arranged Gregorian chants freed the worship- pers from being merely listeners. The hymns were meant to be sung inside and outside of the churches for the growth of one’s faith and discipleship in Christ. These early hymns of the reformation movement also provided the foundation for artful interpretations by composers such as J.S. Bach till the present day and have become important cornerstones of a tradition of sacred music that is performed in many parts of our world.


The Achtliederbuch documented what was sung in the young congregations of the reformation movement. Four of these songs were composed by Luther himself and others com- posed by his friends. Worship and song were principle means to preach the gospel.This is not surprising considering what Luther once said in his famous table talks that “Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.”


The rich and vibrant tradition of a global, singing LWF communion is evidence in this collection. Singing brings the LWF communion together and shapes its witness today just as the origi-nal eight songs shaped the faith and worship practices of the early Reformation parishes. The songs gathered here witness to the creativity and depth of the proclamation of the gospel within the LWF. It is with great joy that I share this invaluable resource with all member churches and with all our ecumenical partners.


Click on the map to learn about the seven world

regions of the Lutheran World Federation.