Thursday, 24 November: "As on earth..."
On the power of melodies
LOCATION: Large community hall of the Nikolaikirche, Ritterstraße 5
15.00 Opening of the conference and welcome address
Dr. Uwe Steinmetz, LWI Leipzig / Superintendent Sebastian Feydt, Leipzig
15.15 Guided tour of the Nikolai Church
"We shall overcome" - The Monday peace prayers of St. Nicholas Church
16.00 Coffee
16.15 What should be included in the "Global Eight Hymn Book 2024" and how?
Dr. Uwe Steinmetz in conversation with Prof. Dr. Dirk G. Lange, LWF,
Dr. Sakari Löytty (NA), Karin Runow (SE) and the curators' group.
17.45: Evening blessing "One Body of Christ" (Prof. Dr. Dirk Lange, LWF)
18.00: Dinner - Italiano Sardinia
7.30 p.m.: University of Leipzig, Paulinum
Triple concert: ZeitHören
Anna Depenbusch (singer-songwriter, Hamburg): EchtZeit
Ulrike Haage (piano and organ, Berlin): Songs without words
Daniel Stickan (organ, Lüneburg): Meditation and ecstasy
Introduction: Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka
(Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, University of Bremen)
Friday, 25 November: " it is in heaven".
The transformation of melodies
LOCATION: St. Thomas Church, Thomaskirchhof 18
9.00 Morning mediation and guided tour of St Thomas' Church
Dr. Robert Moore, ELCA representative in Wittenberg and Leipzig
10.00 Composers' Workshop EchtZeit
Anna Depenbusch (chanson), Daniel Stickan (organ music)
Ulrike Haage (radio plays and film music)
12.00 Lunch at VIET
LOCATION: Lecture hall of the Faculty of Theology, Beethovenstraße 25
13.30 "TimeListening -- From simple sound phenomena to music and ritual"
Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka (DE)
14.30 Coffee break
15.00 "Writing hymns on the back of Giants"
Ways to a transcultural music aesthetics
Workshop discussions with composers and songwriters
I-to Loh (TW), Janne Mark (DK), Karin Runow (SE),
Michael Hunter Ochs (USA), Moderation: Dr. Uwe Steinmetz
17.30 Evening blessing "One Hope" (Rev. Sebastian Madejski, PL)
- Dinner individually -
19.30 University of Leipzig, Old Senate Hall, concert and podium
Polyphony of life - Sound theology in new and old sacred
A light that does not know us (2017)
Composition: Bernd Franke, after poems by Christian Lehnert
Alice Lackner, mezzo-soprano, Adumá saxophone quartet
Musical improvisations on the prison poems of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Josef Marshall (piano), readings: Prof. Dr. Gotthard Fermor
Moderation: Dr. Christian Lehnert, Director LWI Leipzig
Saturday, 26 November
The Message of Melodies - Potentials of the "Global Achtliederbuch 2024"
LOCATION: Lecture hall, Faculty of Theology, Beethovenstraße 25
9.00 Morning Prayer "One Spirit" (Rev. Dr. Dorothea Haspelmath-Finatti)
9.30 "The strive for identity in the LUCSA churches in Southern Africa"
Dr. Sakari Löytty (NA), Response: Dr. Chad Rimmer, LWF
10.30 Coffee
10.45 "Transformations of Lutheran Worship - Global Perspectives"
Open panel, Moderation: Prof. Dr. Dirk Lange and Dr. Uwe Steinmetz
12.30 Lunch individually
14.00 "Of Pilgrimage, Freedom and Belonging"
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lange and Dr. Uwe Steinmetz
15.15 Departure to Wittenberg (coach)/departure from the faculty
17.00 Reception at the LWF Center Wittenberg
Inken Wöhlbrand and Dr. Sámuel Nánási
Visit to the Wittenberg City Church
18.00 Dinner in the Great Hall of the Protestant Academy of Saxony-Anhalt,
reception by Academy Director Dr. Christoph Maier
20.00 Evening service in the Castle Church of
Tiempo de Esperanza - Time of Hope
Joint musical devotion with Advent songs from all over the world
21.15 Return journey by bus to Leipzig
Sunday, 27 November
LOCATION: Lecture hall, Faculty of Theology, Beethovenstraße 25
09.30 Morning prayer (prayer room)
09.45 Ecumenical and Interreligious Perspectives & Outlook
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lange, Dr. Chad Rimmer and Dr. Uwe Steinmetz
12.00 End of conference with blessing of the journey